How to start a Vermicompost business ? VERMICOMPOST New Business Idea 2022

 The importance of Vermicompost, which is eco-friendly, has increased in recent years, as it is chemical-free manure. The increase in the demand for fertilizers has also inadvertently led to the increase in demand for vermicompost. The business risk is that some worms can easily die and some organic waste can be harmful to the soil texture, however, this can be mitigated by applying Vermicomposting technology. It costs US$ 3,680 with estimated revenue of US$ 11,482, with a net profit margin of 8%. The Return of investment or break-even period is 3 years.

Production, Capacity, and Technology - How do I start a vermicompost farm?

The organic waste is pasteurized and kept in the composting tanks with earthworms dumped into it. The earthworms multiply in due course and the soil converts into compost, referred to as Vermicompost. Soil is to be excavated in the four catcher sheds up to a depth of about one foot for preparing the beds, which contain organic waste, Vermi castings, and cow dung. The length and width of the beds are 100 ft. and 5 ft. respectively.

Some paddy straw should be spread evenly at the bottom of the excavations. Charging of waste and cow dung slurry should be continued till the heap of material is one foot above the ground level. The profiling project has a minimum capacity of producing 300kg per month of Vermicompost

What are the different types of Vermicompost Worms?

Vermicomposting Worms - Red Tigers (often confused with other species) - Originally native to Europe, just like every other invasive worm it quickly spread to every patch of none-frozen dirt on the planet. They are particularly well suited for rotting vegetation such as grass clippings, leaf mulch, as well as various manures.

Redworms (The True Redworm Lumbricus rubellus)-  Also known as the true redworm, the marsh worm, the dung worm. Like other invasive species, it’s everywhere now, although originally hailing from the British isles. This is the most common vermicomposting worm used today as it’s able to handle large amounts of manure coupled with the fact that it will work the earth, Unlike the Red Tiger.

Pot worms (Enchytraiedae)- The long string-like, slightly transparent white worm. It’s not the prettiest looking worm that’s for sure, But it most likely already exists in your compost or garden and you don’t notice it. This guy’s like a low pH, too low for most other worm species to tolerate. They tend to live in smaller pockets of lower pH soil unless your soil suddenly drops in pH which can cause an explosion in the population. That’s usually when people notice them the most.

Earthworms prefer warmth and humidity. Under natural conditions, except for severe winter or drought, it can generally reproduce in warm seasons. It can reproduce all year round under artificial breeding conditions. Earthworms are born from egg cocoons to mature and start to lay eggs as a reproductive cycle, and their growth and development are closely related to environmental conditions.

How to Run vermicompost site?

1. Selection of Vermicompost Site and Worms

1. breeding earthworms, varieties with fast growth and development, strong reproductive ability, wide adaptability, long lifespan and easy domestication and management should be selected as breeding objects.

2. Choose the venue

1. According to the growth requirements and living habits of the selected species, choose a place that is close to pig farms or chicken farms, warm and humid, flat terrain, rich in natural food, lush plants, easy access to water sources, secluded and pollution-free places for breeding. Place.

2. In addition, the breeding site is also required to be close to the natural environment, rich in rot plants, soft soil, capable of irrigation and drainage, and sufficient sunlight (but not exposed to direct sunlight). 

3. Making base materials

1. The base material is the material for earthworms to inhabit, and it is also the food source of earthworms. The quality of the base material plays a decisive role in the success of earthworm breeding.

2. The base material can generally be mixed with pig manure, straw or fruits. It requires low density and pressure, high water content, good water retention, and strong air permeability.

3. When making the base material, first prepare 40% forage, 60% fresh pig manure, then add a certain amount of brown sugar and EM bacteria fermentation broth, then water and mix well, so that the moisture content of the base material is 55-70 %between. The base material cannot be compacted, and the height should be about 1 meter. It needs to be kept in a loose state, and finally covered with a film for sealing, and then anaerobic fermentation for about 20 days can be done.

4. the establishment of earthworms breeding beds

1. The breeding bed of earthworms generally needs to be established in a place with flat terrain, high quality and softness, no large pieces of soil, and both irrigation and drainage.

2. Before establishing a breeding bed, the ground should be leveled in advance, and then the fermented base material should be evenly spread on the ground, with a thickness of about 10 cm and a width of about 1 meter. After the base material is laid, sprinkle the earthworm seeds evenly on the top. Generally, 0.25-0.4 kg of earthworm seeds can be placed per square meter. If it is summer, the placement density can be appropriately reduced, and in winter, the placement density can be appropriately increased.

3. After laying the earthworms, spread another layer of base material on the earthworms, and cover the base material with a layer of straw to keep warm and moisturizing. After laying, pour an appropriate amount of water on the base material, and check again after 1 day. If earthworms escape, shrink, swell, die, etc., the cause should be identified in time (usually because the base material is not well fermented, it can be re-ferment).

4. The gap between the breeding beds is required to be about 1 meter, which is convenient for feeding and management.

5. feeding management - How to manage feed-in vermicompost farms?

 1. Temperature, humidity, and PH value – How to control Temperature, humidity, and PH value in vermicompost farm and bed?

 (1) The growth and development of earthworms will be affected by temperature and humidity. Generally, the growth temperature of earthworms is 5-30 °C, and the suitable temperature is 20 °C. When the temperature is lower than 5 °C or higher than 30 °C, it is not conducive to them. grow.

 (2) When the temperature is below 0°C, the earthworms will freeze to death; when the temperature exceeds 32°C, the earthworms stop growing, and when the temperature exceeds 40°C, the earthworms will die.

 (3) The moisture content suitable for the growth and development of earthworms is 60-70%, and the moisture content in the hatching period is 56-66%.

 (4) The growth and reproduction of earthworms is also closely related to the pH value. Under normal circumstances, the pH value of the growth environment and the base material is required to be maintained at 6-8, and the more suitable pH value is 7.

 2. Supplement waste addition – When to add more waste to your Vermicompost farm or Bed?

 (1) Under normal circumstances, it only takes about 20 days for earthworms to convert manure into vermicompost, so timely feeding is required.

 (2) When feeding materials, new materials can be covered based on raw materials, and the number of new materials added should be determined according to the food intake of earthworms. At the same time, the new material should be laid evenly and covered with straw, and then it should be watered frequently after that.

 3. Watering – When and how to add water to the vermicompost bed?

 (1) Water should be watered at least once a day in summer, the water quality should not be polluted, and the water flow should not be too large. Generally, it is advisable to water thoroughly, so that the upper and lower layers can be connected, to ensure the normal growth of earthworms.

 (2) The suitable time for watering is usually the morning or evening when the temperature is lower.

4. Management of breeding beds – How to make breeding beds for vermicompost?

 (1) No other debris can be mixed in the breeding bed, and at the same time, it should be loosened regularly to ensure the air circulation and the survival rate of young worms.

 (2) The aisles between the breeding beds should be kept clean, and the excrement of earthworms should be cleaned regularly to ensure the cleanliness of the breeding environment.

 (3) When turning the breeding bed with an iron rake, the action should be light, and the earthworm eggs should be buried in the base material as much as possible to prevent the hatching rate from being affected.

5. Harvest – How to Harvest Vermicompost Manure?

 (1) The generation interval of earthworms is about 60 days, and they should be harvested in time during the breeding period to prevent earthworms from escaping.

 (2) Under normal circumstances, when the number of earthworms per square meter reaches 15,000-20,000, and the weight of most earthworms reaches 400-500 mg, the harvest can be started.

 (3) If it is summer, it can usually be harvested once a month. If it is spring, autumn, and winter, it can be harvested twice every 3 months. After harvesting, it should be replenished and watered in time, and 1 harvest can be added every month. Second-rate.

6. Precautions – What Precautions should you take in Vermicomposting?

 (1) Whether it is harvested by yourself or the fresh earthworms purchased from the market, rinse with clean water before use, and then heat and boil for 5-7 minutes to kill parasites inside and outside the body of earthworms.

 (2) When feeding chickens with earthworms, they can be rinsed first, then cooked and cut into small pieces, and then added to the feed for mixed feeding. It is also possible to dry the earthworms after inactivation, and then feed the chickens with feed reasonably. For laying hens, feed 15-20 grams per day, or add 12-15% of the feed amount (subtract 10-15 grams of ration before feeding). Young chickens and commercial chickens can increase or decrease the feeding amount according to their body weight, which has a good effect on growth and weight gain.

What are the best management practices of Vermicompost Farm?

1. site selection for Vermicompost

 Earthworms can be cultivated both indoors and outdoors. In the south, the temperature is high in summer and autumn, and indoor farming is better. However, large-scale farming can be carried out outdoors, and various warming measures can be used when the temperature is low. But the site must be selected in a place close to water sources and convenient transportation. In rural areas, it can be used beside the village or in the gap between the forests. When the worm culture area is large, a water pipe or an automatic sprinkler should be installed. The worm bed is generally 5 meters wide, and the middle aisle is 70-80 centimeters, but the width should be increased if the material is fed by car. The aisle should be filled with a height of more than 30 cm, and the two worm beds on both sides should be 2 meters wide.

 2. feeding the vermicompost worms

 Cow dung farming earthworm technology In areas with low temperature, two layers of film can be covered, and a layer of the straw curtain is sandwiched between the films. The used cow dung can be used as fertilizer and applied directly to the ground. After earthworm treatment, the total nitrogen, The content of available nitrogen, total phosphorus, and organic matter all increased. Cow dung farming earthworm technology The growth and reproduction of earthworms accelerate the decomposition and transformation of nutrients in cow dung and improve the fertility of cow dung as an organic fertilizer. Cow dung can improve soil fertility, help increase soil water absorption and water holding capacity, and reduce runoff and soil loss.

3. Breeding of vermicompost worms

 Young earthworms have just hatched from the cocoons, generally in the shape of silk threads, weak and tender, with vigorous metabolism and extremely rapid growth and development. Special attention should be paid to management. When feeding the feed, care should be taken to choose loose, soft, and nutrient-rich feed. To make the young earthworms live in a fresh air environment, they can be fed and raised with a thin layer of feed. When adding water, it is not suitable to splash them. It can be sprayed with a sprayer to make the water misty. It can be sprayed 2-3 times a day, but no overwatering. The temperature should be controlled between 20-35°C. When breeding, special attention should be paid to the natural enemies of earthworms, such as ants, spiders, mice, etc.

Overwintering is a link that cannot be ignored in the development of earthworm farming. For earthworm culture in farmland, garden, and outside, earthworms can be moved into sheds for cultivation in winter, and the temperature and humidity of the earthworm culture environment can be maintained so that earthworms can grow and develop as usual in winter and produce cocoons for reproduction.

 4. Disease control 

 The intermediate host of many parasites is earthworms. To complete their life cycle, these parasites must spend time in the body of earthworms and absorb nutrients from earthworms, which will cause damage to earthworms. There are also some protocoelomates, such as nematodes, which often parasitize the esophagus, body cavity, and blood vessels of earthworms. However, there are few bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms that can cause the disease of earthworms.

 5. Harvesting the vermicompost for use

 Earthworms are separated according to their habit of being afraid of light and heat. Put the earthworms on the screen and illuminate them with sunlight or strong light, and the earthworms will automatically move downward and climb out. It can also be separated according to the characteristics of earthworms that are afraid of flooding. A large amount of water is poured into the breeding pond, and the earthworms will actively climb out of the ground.

 6. The sales of vermicompost earthworms

"Lumbokase is the 'king of thrombolysis', while vermicompost is the 'king of organic fertilizers, and the market demand exceeds demand." The expert said.

 1. Dispose of organic waste, livestock, and poultry manure, and convert it into high-quality organic fertilizer, which can improve soil (especially saline-alkali land);

2. Extract a variety of enzymes (especially lumbrokinase, which has a good effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases) and active substances, which are used in medicine, food, beauty products, and environmental protection industries. Among them, lumbrokinase is known as the "King of Thrombolysis" in the medical field. After being applied to the affected area, it penetrates quickly, dissolves thrombus and stasis, makes blood vessels unblocked, and gradually reduces varicose veins.

3. Fresh and live earthworms, frozen fresh earthworms, earthworm eggs, dried earthworms, etc. are mainly sold to some pharmaceutical enterprises all over the country;

4. The vermicompost can be sold to some planting bases such as flowers, fruits and vegetables, and vegetable seedlings as organic fertilizers. 

How much does it cost to start a worm farm?

Investment Requirement USD






Power driven chaffer cutter





Weighing machine platform type





Water pump& pipes for sprinkling





Tools & implements





Total Cost of Machinery & Tools


Production and Operation costs Direct materials, supplies, and costs for vermicompost farm 

Cost Item




Pdn cost/

Pdn cost/


Direct Costs

Cow dung







Vermi castings





















General Costs (Overheads)





Selling & distribution




Utilities (Water, power)







Miscellaneous expenses









Total Operating Costs



Project product costs and Price Structure - How much money can you make selling vermicompost? 




Unit cost

Pdn cost/yr










Profitability Analysis - How profitable is a Vermicompost worm farm?

It costs US$ 3,680 with estimated revenue of US$ 11,482, with a net profit margin of 8%.

Profitability Item

Per day

Per month

Per year





Less: Production and operating costs







